Amelia Petrie’s Muay Thai

by Amelia Petrie, Year 10

My name is Amelia Petrie, I am 15 years old and am currently in Year 10 here at St Thomas More RC Academy in North Shields.  As well as my school work I also compete in Muay Thai. Muay Thai is a martial art originating from Thailand. It is known as ‘the art of eight limbs’ meaning we use our knees, legs, hands, and elbows in a Muay Thai fight. Muay Thai is so much more brutal than other martial arts and is therefore more suited to my style of fighting.

On Sunday 12th May I competed in a Muay Thai fight at Dunston Activity Centre.  After three hard ninety second rounds I won by unanimous decision against a strong and keen opponent. This was my sixth Muay Thai fight of my ever-growing fighting career.

I currently train at Faktory Muay Thai, which is located in the west end of Newcastle, with head coach Jim Burn and world champion, Claire Clements.  I have trained at the Faktory for two and a half years and I have been fighting for them in competitions for a year now.  Prior to this, I fought and trained in Taekwondo for five years before moving on to Muay Thai, which I feel is more suited to me.

As well as my own fighting, I am also the Junior Coach for Faktory Muay Thai. I teach classes and offer 1-1s to kids who would like to learn from me.  I enjoy pushing their training further in order for them to pursue careers in fighting.

I am now resting and recovering and waiting to see what is next for me.