Learning Support Department Staff

We are very fortunate to have a large team of dedicated, experienced and enthusiastic staff who support our students with SEND, both in and outside of class.


Laura Warland, Assistant Headteacher Inclusion, is the school’s SENCO.  We have three Associate SENCOs, Martin Briggs, Erin Fairlamb and Molly Hole.  Miss Fairlamb links to Years 7, 9, 11 and 13, and Mr Briggs with Years 8, 10, and 12.  They oversee the progress of our students with SEND within these year groups, as well as providing advice to teachers, liaising with external agencies, and leading interventions. Miss Hole co-ordinates interventions with students who require additional support.


We also have 13 Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who provide in-class support to students, as well as leading interventions, and providing small group and 1:1 support outside of lessons.  They have many years of experience of working with students who have a range of additional needs.  We work very hard to support all of our students with the highest expectations of all, and provide the most appropriate support to ensure students are able to stay in mainstream classes with their peers.


The Learning Support department support the wider staff with advice, guidance and suggested strategies for individual students.  We work closely with the wider pastoral team including Assistant Headteacher Pastoral, Heads of Year, Assistant Heads of Year, Learning Mentors, School Counsellor, Family Support Worker to ensure we share vital information. 


We regularly attend training to ensure that we are fully up to date with knowledge and practice.