Nathan Buchanan creates his own power!

by Nathan Buchanan, Year 7

My zinc battery clock was a science experiment that I did during lockdown in a science lesson. This was done over many steps, as I had to make the battery step by step, following the correct procedures.

One of the main steps was actually the first part where I had added graphite and MnO2 into a bottle and shook it to create the mixture. To create the battery, I used a silicon tube and added a graphite electrode which was used as a plug to stop the mixture falling out of the bottom. A very vital part was when I added the bolt in the tube on top of the cotton and NH4CL which is the formula of the chemical compound ammonium chloride.

Once all of this is done I had to assemble the clock and add the battery to the battery holder on the back of the clock.

The battery was able to work when the electrons go from the Zinc (Zn) to the magnesium dioxide (MnO2) there is an electrical charge that can power not only the clock but a small light bulb. In conclusion or to put it in a simple way when the electrons go from one element to the next there is a positive charge making electricity.

I made a powerpoint to show my battery as I built it.