Online Safety

St Thomas More RC Academy – Online Safety for students

The internet and technology are exciting and beneficial both in and out of the classroom. Resources and apps are not always policed as thoroughly as we would like at parents and carers. Users of such technology need to be aware of the risks associated . Some of these actually have a minimum age requirement of 13.  At St Thomas More all students receive information, advice and guidance in elation to e-safety. We aim to teach them appropriate behaviours and problem soling to enable them to stay safe when using the internet and technology both in and out of the classroom.

Safeguarding Alert:

For up to date advice and guidance please click here


Acceptable Use Agreement for Pupils:


General E-safety

  • Cyber Bullying
  • Game Ratings
  • Sexting
  • Snap Chat Maps
  • WhatsApp Parents Guide

Helpful Websites