Remembrance 2021

by Alicja Michalak, Year 12

People say that coming to school in uniform on Remembrance Day is to pay your respects, but it’s so much more than that. Wearing the uniform can be uncomfortable, everything needs to be perfect, and yet it’s not just for show. Any discomfort we feel is nothing compared to the sacrifice our servicemen and women make on a daily basis, or to the horrors that soldiers have experienced during the wars in the past and in the present.

Remembrance is different when you know someone who has lost their life due to war; it’s no longer just a name on a grave, it’s personal. Students in any branch of cadets know this all too well.

Some people may ask why we came to school in uniform.  If you ask me it’s one of the most respectful things we can do, it’s the least we can do.