Social, Emotional and Mental Health

My child has difficulties with social, emotional or mental health.


This section includes all those young people who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education.

It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions.

Difficulties can include:

·         Forming and maintaining relationships

·         Bereavement

·         Attitudes to attainment

·         Attendance

·         Self-esteem

·         Life outside school

It also includes:

·         Mental Health Difficulties (anxiety, depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders)

·         Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

·         Attachment Disorder (AD)

·         Trauma.


We have high expectations and aspirations for all of our students.  All students on the SEN record have an individual plan created and shared with all of their class teachers and LSAs.  This includes information about their strengths, areas they find difficult and suggested strategies to support their progress.  These are reviewed regularly throughout the year.

Learning Support Assistants (LSA) are predominantly placed in the classroom to support students in the learning environment, maximising inclusion.

Students have an opportunity to access:

•       Quality First Teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice)

•       Strong pastoral team including form tutor, Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year, school counsellor, family support worker and Learning Mentors

•       Thrive programme in Year 8

•       A differentiated approach to the implementation of the school’s behaviour policy, with a strong focus on restorative justice  

•       Support / supervision at unstructured times of the day

•       Homework support

•       Assessment for identification of significant needs

•       Dedicated and caring staff who value all staff regardless of ability


Support for targeted groups of students may include:

•       Social skills small group sessions

•       Wellbeing groups

•       Use of strategies from supporting outside agency

•       Year 11 support with revision skills and stress-management

•       Year 11 support with college applications and career paths

•       Learning Support Assistant support in some lessons


Targeted individual support may include:

•       1:1 support from school counsellor

•       Outside agency input (eg. Educational Psychologist, Camhs)

•       Individual strategies as given by supporting outside agency

•       Flexible timetables

•       1:1 support from an LSA

•       Exam access arrangements