Student Work Showcase

All students are being set work to do via ClassCharts. This work can be accessed online, or hard copies can be sent home. Please contact the school if you have any problems with this. We are aware that it may be difficult for some students to complete the work due to home circumstances, for example they may be looking after younger siblings, but we also wanted to showcase any outstanding pieces of work that are produced. Please also send us any examples of community spirit, sibling cooperation or family life that might bring a smile to people’s faces.


Students in Year 7 have been very creative! Zach Easton in 7C used this grabber toy to design a revision game. The items have character names from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and when you grab one you have to be able to talk about that character. Jake Thompson (7C) had a similar idea with his dart board; darts can be used to match characters that link together.







Students in Year 7 have also been producing some fabulous poetry. Follow this link to read their work. Yr7 Poems.

The gallery below shows some of the work that students have completed at home. This is updated regularly, so please send any examples of work to your teachers.

The Covid Cure

 I am waiting for you, and patience is wearing thin,

Our houses we must remain within,

We had excitement in our hearts when it all began,

But we have lost the novelty, and with it our game plan.

Chaos reigns inside our humble abode,

We have certainly began on a rocky road,

But we have pulled together as one,

Covid-19, you haven’t won.

The times ahead are unclear,

But stay at home and from there we cheer,

In a life of uncertainty, but one thing’s for sure,

Staying apart, yet together at heart, will be our Covid cure.

Megan Neasham-Mcmanu (7M)



Evie Hackworth (Year 7) and her mum treated her family to a ‘Come dine with me’: