Dear Year 6 pupil,
I know that you may think that the move from Primary School to Secondary can seem like quite a daunting thing. I remember when I was in Y6, the word ‘transition’ used to just make me feel anxious, but I promise there is nothing to be worried about. Yes, you may get lost but after the first week you will know where your classes are. You may be worried that you may not make friends, or you may be extremely excited to make new ones, either way you will definitely make new friends! I remember being worried about being taught by a different teacher for every lesson, but it didn’t matter as I’ve not met a teacher who isn’t understanding of your feelings. I know you may be worried about the homework you may get, that you might not understand it, or you might not do it on time. It won’t be like that. In Y7 the homework is very manageable and is usually related to what you are doing in class. Everything in STM is amazing. The amount of opportunities you get, the amount of clubs you can join, the options you have for lunch, the amount of support you get with your work. These are all amazing things to be excited about! I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for STM.
Year 8 student
Dear Year 6,
I am in Year 7 and remember what it was like last September when I started at St Thomas More. The first day was really tiring! When we came in to school there were older pupils waiting to say hi and to tell us where to go. I came with only one other person from my primary school so when I walked into the main hall at the start of the day I was so nervous! We had an assembly and then we went with our Form Tutors to our form rooms. We did lots of games to help us get to know each other. My biggest worry was that I wouldn’t make any friends but my form tutor really helped. She told us all where to sit so I wasn’t left on my own and I remember she told us we were a ‘school family’ and we should all help each other. By the end of the day I was really happy and couldn’t wait to tell my family about who I had met and what I had done.
Year 7 student
Dear Year 6,
I am currently in Year 8 and have gone through many school transitions before I came to this school but STM was definitely the best. I came with no friends because of moving around. I was anxious and scared of the unknown. Would anyone want to be my friend? Are the teachers going to be nice? What happens if I am lost? All these questions were turning in my head for weeks before but when I came in on my first day everyone was friendly and welcoming. If you are lost other students and staff would come and ask if they can help you find where you’re meant to be. After a few days you realise the school is not that big, I know it like the back of my hand now! Teachers are great, they really support you in the best way possible. They see you as an individual and want to see your reach your full potential and will help you on your journey. A Head of Year is someone that sees over your whole year group until you finish Year 11. You’ll also get a Form Tutor who stays with you until Year 11 too. Your Form Tutor or Head of Year are always the people to trust to speak to. I really love this school, it is by far the best and hopefully you will too!!!!
Year 8 student
Dear Year 6,
I am in year 8 and I want to tell you about my experience in moving schools. Two years ago I was exactly like you. I remember feeling really excited for all the exciting opportunities in high school, and although I was looking forward to moving up I still felt nervous about finding my way around and meeting loads of new people. The first few days were very busy, I was so used to being the oldest in Primary school it was really strange being the youngest and seeing all of the older pupils around the school. I was lucky to have lots of my friends moving up with me from primary which certainly helped, but I still made plenty of new friends. I think it’s important just to smile and be friendly, especially with people in your Form. I was worried about the amount of work I was going to get but the teachers didn’t overload me with work or homework and there were always teachers around who would help me if anything was wrong or I needed help. St Thomas More has given me so many opportunities and hope you will enjoy it as much as me.
Good luck!
Year 8 student
Dear Year 6 pupils,
I am currently in Year 7 at STM Academy and I am writing to tell you that going to high school isn’t scary! On your first day it is ok if you get lost as you can just ask a teacher or pupil in the corridor and they will be happy to show you to where you need to be. When you are going from one lesson to another you’ll be with the rest of your class so if you get lost there will probably be a group of you lost together! If you are worried about making friends, it will be alright because in my experience I made 5 new friends on my first day so I bet you will too. Some of my friends thought that the class work and homework will be way more difficult than in primary but it will probably stay the about same then gradually get harder after a while. It is a very good thing moving schools because you will get to meet new people, make new friends and have new experiences. So overall, coming to St Thomas More is one of the best things you will do!
Good luck!!
From a happy year 7!
Dear Year 6,
I am in year 9. When I was in year 7 I was terrified to start this school. When I arrived I realised that everyone here is friendly and within a couple of weeks you will have made a load of new friends. I thought when I was starting St Thomas More that the work would be really difficult compared to the work in primary school but it was similar and you had more lessons for subjects like art, textiles and food technology. You get set a piece of homework either each week, or every two weeks for each subject but it’s manageable. If you get stuck you just ask your teacher for help and they will always help. One of the most important things I would say you need to remember is to be yourself. Don’t show off and mess around because you’ll just waste your chance to do really well. Work hard in lessons and have a laugh with your mates at break time.
Year 9 student