A level Biology Olympiad

Kathleen Malpas, Year 13

The Biology Olympiad only comes once a year and aims to challenge students with an interest in biology to demonstrate their knowledge and apply it to biology specific scenarios. Those who take part will be awarded with a certificate of participation as well as having an award on this certificate from commended through to gold. Those who are awarded with bronze or above have the opportunity to become part of an International Biology Olympiad team where they will compete with other biology students across 60 countries. It is hoped that the Olympiad will encourage students already interested in biology to continue their study beyond A-Level.

I took part in the Biology Olympiad as a chance to challenge myself, using my knowledge of the subject to apply it to practical scenarios. It was a great learning experience for me as it improved my skills of theory application, which will come in very useful for my summer exams. The challenge provided by this experience has also highlighted to me that things that are worth doing are not necessarily easy and that perseverance is key to success. I would recommend taking part in the Olympiad as it encourages healthy competition and highlights the importance of revision prior to exams.