STM’s Sixth Form welcomes applications from all students.
We are an inclusive sixth form college that delivers a high quality education in a supportive and welcoming environment, based on Christian values. We are very proud of our community spirit, providing help and support for each other in all ways. We strive for excellent relationships throughout the college, built on mutual trust, honesty and respect.
Students are expected to share responsibility for their learning and are encouraged to develop a strong work ethic. We have high expectations of all our students, placing great emphasis on individual achievement and on helping them to gain the best qualifications possible. By offering a broad and balanced curriculum, we allow all students to develop academically, socially, personally and spiritually.
We offer a variety of pathways that very much depend on ones’ learning style, interest and desired progression route. Our broad and balanced range of both Academic and Applied courses provide all students with an opportunity to gain entry to Higher Education, Apprenticeships or other desired Employment routes. As an experienced Pastoral team, we realise that Sixth Form is an important stage in a student’s life and therefore we strive to provide many extra-curricular opportunities that help to foster their personal growth and employability skills.
We hope that when students leave our sixth form they are content, confident and courageous young citizens ready to embrace their own bright future, with a real sense of duty and responsibility to enable others to have one too.
As Head of Sixth Form, I am delighted that you are interested in joining us. Both our Information and Open Evening takes place in the Autumn Term; I would encourage you to come along and meet us. The ‘More Life’ newsletters should provide further evidence of the many extra opportunities on offer should you apply.
Mrs Donna Hallam