North Tyneside Holocaust Memorial Day

by Emily-Louise Cain, Mairona McGarvie and Fay Staker, Year 13

Having participated in the ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’ programme, we were asked to share our experiences with guests at North Tyneside’s Holocaust Memorial Day. We were one of a number of schools that took part on the day. It was a thoroughly moving event, especially when Arek Hersch gave his account of how he was sent to a concentration camp at the age of eleven. When we hear survivors’ stories we are amazed at how remarkable and resilient these people are and it makes us all the more grateful for the life we have today.

The day also included a presentation from the organisation, ‘Show Racism the Red Card’, which made us realise that there is still work to be done if we are to become a truly tolerant nation based on values of democracy and justice. Our work, as LFA ambassadors, continues and we will be delivering lessons to Year 9, along with a number of other sixth formers, in preparation for their Holocaust Memorial Day.

There is no place in this world for discrimination and we must start with ensuring it does not infiltrate our own communities.

Congratulations to the girls for their excellent work as ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’ ambassadors.  Their hard work and dedication was noted in a letter that the school received from Rob Smith, School Improvement Advisor for North Tyneside Council.  He commented that they were “amazed at the quality and high standards of the [student] presentations.”  He went on to say “It is clear that as a school even with over 300 guests, the young people are becoming such positive ambassadors in trying to reduce intolerance and hatred, while increasing mutual respect and acceptance.  Those pupils who took part are a great credit to [St Thomas More]”