Word Millionaires

Charlie Whelan, Year 7

Hello, my name is Charlie, I’m in 7E and I’m a Word Millionaire!

This means that I have read over a million words since October for the Accelerated Reader scheme. My favourite books are series because you get a lot more detail and character development. Some series that I have read are The Maze runner, A Series of Unfortunate Events and Skulduggery Pleasant. In total I’ve read 26 books and nearly 3 million words.

I think that the Accelerated Reader programme is great to develop your love of reading because it introduces a reward system. The interactive quizzes are really fun. It’s a great way to get newer readers hooked and cherishing books. Currently, I’m aiming for 4 million words…and who knows where I will end up next!

Keep reading!!

The photo below shows our current champion Millionaires, Charlotte O’Brien 7R and Charlie Whelan 7E on the back row, and Kieran Adamson 7E and Aaryn McDonald-Brown 7S at the front.  Congratulations to them all from Miss Edwards.